Please choose your treatment:
Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Acupuncture PATRIC
Acupuncture JHONATAN
Rolfing Petró
Bodywork Petró
Somatic Experiencing
Massage Jhonatan

How many sessions do I need?

The Rolfing Series traditionally consists of 10 sessions.  Working with Petró, often sessions of Somatic Experiencing work and Rolf Movement will also be included.  Ideally, weekly sessions for somewhere between 2 & 4 months will be enough for the process.  After this process, normally a period of 6 months is given to allow for you to integrate the changes into your life. After that time, we meet to re-evaluate your symptoms and goals and often will re-take some bodywork or movement sessions to assist the integration process.