Please choose your treatment:
Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Acupuncture PATRIC
Acupuncture JHONATAN
Rolfing Petró
Bodywork Petró
Somatic Experiencing
Massage Jhonatan

Lomi Lomi Nui

Lomi Lomi Nui (Kahuna Bodywork) is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses a combination of massage techniques, prayer, aloha,  breathwork and sacred touch, to offer a space of unconditional love and acceptance. From the ancestors of Hawaii (Kahuna lā’au lapa‘au) on the mystical land of Mu this art was infused with the practice of “living aloha”. The massage works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous flowing forearm massage and dance movements. Lomi Lomi has a intention to support the recipient to release anything that is no longer serving them and fully embody that which is authentic and in alignment with their soul.