Naprapathy can help you with various pain and dysfunction conditions in the neuromusculoskeletal system. The patients are everyone from babies to older people and from elite athletes to less active people with acute, subacute or chronic conditions. Below are shown a few examples of different conditions that are treated by naprapaths. If you have a condition that is not shown here, just contact us – we will inform you of what kind of help you can get.
Torticollis is a stiff neck associated with muscle spasm, classically causing a condition in which the head is tilted to one side. Pain in neck and shoulders are most commonly a consequence of either incorrect working posture or long lasting, unilateral pressure. This may trigger an unbalance between shoulder and chest muscles which leads to tired and weak muscles in the shoulders. Usually, so called, triggerpoints occurs which contributes to local pain as well as numbness.
Tension headache

Tension headache is one of the most common types of headache which usually occurs during or after long lasting and static work together with shortages in ergonomic. The headache is often described as a constant pressure and the pain can radiate from the lower back of the head, the neck, eyes, or other muscle groups in the body. Various precipitating factors, such as stress, hunger or eyestrain are all possible causes behind tension headache.
Mouse arm
Mouse arm is characterized by pain or stiffness in the back of the neck, shoulders, arms or hands. It is a condition often caused by small movements that are constantly repeated, such as working in front of the computer or through other actions that overload the hand and arm. If the work situation is not improved, tendonitis, permanent loss of strength and chronic pain can follow.
Knee pain
Any type of pain in the knee may be a result of overexertion in both knee and its surrounding structures. Incorrect exercise or too much weight during fitness training is often triggering factors as to why the injury occurs.
Sciatica pain
Sciatica pain is felt in the lower back, buttock or in various parts of the leg or foot. Typical symptoms except for pain may be numbness, muscular weakness, pins and needles or tingling and difficulty in moving or controlling the leg. In order to treat sciatica or sciatic symptoms it is important to evaluate the underlying cause of the problem.
Achilles tendonitis
Pain in the Achilles tendon is either due to an acute injury or a result of overexertion during a longer period of time. The acute injury may be caused by a strain in the tendon with bleeding and swelling as following effect. Tenseness in the calf muscles might also cause pain in the Achilles tendon. Common symptoms are morning stiffness, pain during and after activity, swelling, muscular weakness and lameness.
Lumbago is a common musculoskeletal disorder characterized by moderate, severe and disabling low back pain. It can either be acute, subacute or chronic in duration. The causes of Lumbago are often not clear. It is thought to be related to disc problems, but pain can also be caused by the muscles, joints, ligaments or nerves. In some cases lumbago are caused by serious underlying conditions such as tumours or infections.
Lumbago symptoms typically include pain in the back. It is a condition that limits spinal movements, particularly when bending forwards. The back muscles may be over contracted in muscle spasm and may force an abnormal posture to one side.
Lower back pain
Pain and stiffness in the lower back are often connected to a long lasting, unilateral and incorrect working position. It is an extremely common condition; however, the symptoms and severity of lower back pain vary a lot. Identifying the symptoms, along with an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of the pain, is the first step in obtaining effective pain relief. We can can help you with this and evaluate whether the pain is severe enough to necessitate an emergency room visit or not.
Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is an overexerted injury causing pain on the outside of the elbow, making it sore and tender. The condition is not only strongly linked to racquet sports such as tennis, but it can also be caused by activities of daily living. Different types of symptoms may be pain in the outer part of the elbow, tenderness or stiffness.
Shoulder pain
Shoulder problems are very common and there are many different causes for pain. It is often affected by painful problems that limit various types of movement.

Migraine is a chronic disorder characterized by moderate to severe headaches, possibly triggered by different types of nourishments and state of tension in the posterior head muscles. The cause of migraine headache is unknown, but the most supported theory is that it is related to hyper excitability of the cerebral cortex and/or abnormal control of pain neurons in the trigeminal nucleus of the brainstem.
A typical migraine headache is unilateral (affecting one half of the head). Typical symptoms include nausea, vomiting and increased sensitivity to light and sound. In order to recognize what type of headache that you are suffering from, it might be good to keep a diary of your pain attacks. Bring it to us so that the we together can find out what triggers the headache.