Please choose your treatment:
Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Acupuncture PATRIC
Acupuncture JHONATAN
Rolfing Petró
Bodywork Petró
Somatic Experiencing
Massage Jhonatan

Who is Jhonatan?

Jhonatan Joabe, has had an affinity with the healing processes of the human body and soul from a very young age. His interest led him to the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he gained experience through years of practice, making acupuncture and shiatsu his talents. After acquiring his degree in Biomedicine his curiosity for other forms of healing led him to learning Lomi Lomi Nui-Kahuna massage technique from Hawai.

His understanding of the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit make his work extremely beneficial for finding out through the language of the body what the soul longs for. Adding to the benefit of extreme relaxation and wellbeing that every session offers.

Born in Brasil and based in Mallorca, his life is a dedicated search for truth in two very different cultures, where he joins the experience and knowledge he acquires from the way of life and wisdom of indigenous tribes in the Amazon rainforest, with the calm and grounded Mediterranean lifestyle this island has to offer.