Please choose your treatment:
Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Naprapathy / Chiropractic

Acupuncture PATRIC
Acupuncture JHONATAN
Rolfing Petró
Bodywork Petró
Somatic Experiencing
Massage Jhonatan

Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow is an overexerted injury causing pain on the outside of the elbow, making it sore and tender. The condition is not only strongly linked to racquet sports such as tennis, but it can also be caused by activities of daily living. Different types of symptoms may be pain in the outer part of the elbow, tenderness or stiffness.


It is important to begin the treatment in an early state in order to avoid chronic problems. Shoulder- and thoracic muscles are often affected as well, which contributes to the importance of treating all parts that may affect the function of the lower arm negatively. Treatment might also include specific exercises of the lower arm and shoulder, which you will get from your naprapath.